Roy D: Performance Coaching

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BEYOND THE SCOREBOARD: Embracing the Turbulence of Learning

Embarking on new endeavors often entails navigating a realm of uncoordinated attempts and initial incompetence. The journey can be aesthetically unpleasing, to say the least. As adults, our preconceived notions, molded by past experiences, significantly influence our decision to persevere or dismiss a new task as 'not meant for us.'

This phenomenon is mirrored in the realm of children engaging in sports or undertaking new challenges. Learning, by its very nature, is marked by chaos and a lack of finesse. Cultivating patience and allowing the unfolding of events without prematurely imposing our perceptions of right or wrong creates an optimal learning environment. Within the midst of this seemingly chaotic and unattractive learning process, crucial thinking and problem-solving skills are honed.

Granting games or tasks the space to unfold permits individuals to acclimate to the nuances of the activity before intervention. Resisting the urge to coach too early is essential; it allows the necessary time for familiarity to develop. In the realm of youth coaching, the acceptance of chaos is not only beneficial but imperative. It is incumbent upon us to cultivate a comfort with the disorder inherent in the learning process.